We work with leadership teams and individual leaders internationally to help them solve their most difficult leadership issues.
Our approach is to help them analyse and consider how their challenges can encourage them to adopt human-centered best practices which align with what the leading companies around the world have started doing.
At the heart of our consulting work, we include talent and leadership assessments to enable leaders and their teams become aware of their competencies, motivations, needs and potential.
As external experts, we provide objective data and guidance on:
- Leadership styles and their impact on individuals and teams to improve leadership practices and succession planning
- Competencies and potential about individual partners to improve performance and entrepreneurship
- Specific behaviors to improve collaboration and teaming
- Competencies and motivations to identify and select the right profiles
- Curbing dysfunctional behavior to allow high performing cultures/sub cultures to be created
The assessments that we use in our consulting work include among others TMA, HOGAN, Print, Calliper and we measure:
- Individual Competencies and Motivations
- Leadership Styles and Potential
- Team Performance
As part of our consulting work, we also use a set of state of the art tools to collect and analyse 90° and 360° Feedback when required.